Announcer - Annoying radio ads |
Apu - I'm armed to the teeth! |
Apu - Badge of honor |
Apu - Careful with the carcass! |
Apu - Has the whole world gone crazy? |
Apu - Skilled in the deadly arts |
Apu - Defends his faith |
Apu - Elton John! |
Apu - Gives thanks for dinner |
Apu - Here's your lottery ticket |
Apu - To late to be a hero |
Apu - Singing "Hot Blooded" |
Apu - I've been zinged! |
Apu - A lamb to the slaughter |
Apu - This is not a lending library! |
Apu - Why don't you make me?! |
Apu - Manjula understands |
Apu - Sorry, no english |
Apu - Please come again |
Apu - I know the procedure for a robbery! (202K) |
Apu - I can't believe you don't shut up |
Apu - Why don't you try and stop me |
Apu - Stoned teenagers buying shiny things |
Apu - Time for another bank run |
Apu - Try to take it in the shoulder |
Apu - Silly customer - you cannot hurt a Twinky! |
Apu - Horrible web of lies |
Apu - You will be shot at |
Barney - Burp |
Barney - These fumes aren't as fun as beer |
Barney - My heart stopped... oh, there it goes |
Barney - I used to be a fat, disgusting slob |
Barney - She broke my heart, Moe |
Bart & Lisa - Are we insane yet? |
Bart - Aye, carumba! |
Bart - Will the owner of the big butt please move |
Bart - Cheating on Homer (315K) |
Bart - Oh, you're one of those chicks |
Bart - Cool Man |
Bart - Cool, I broke his brain |
Bart - Eat my shorts |
Bart - He He He! D'oh! |
Bart - I didn't do it |
Bart - I was faking it |
Bart - I'm flunking math; attracted to Milhouse |
Bart - I'm prepared to make that sacrifice |
Bart - I can make her; just give me five minutes |
Bart - A mockery of everything I stand for |
Bart - Shut yer yap |
Bart - Discovers he can speak French (424K) |
Bart - Where's he working? |
BeeGuy - No es bueno |
Burns - Do I have to grow a devil beard? (231K) |
Burns - Release the hounds |
Carl - Let's get him drunk |
Col. Hapablap's tirade on Sideshow Bob (436K) |
Dolphin - Snorky - talk - man |
Dr. Nick - Okay, that was a little strange |
Dr. Nick - Did you feel your brain getting damaged? |
Dr. Nick - Bye, bye everybody! |
Dr. Nick - Hi everybody! (1) |
Dr. Nick - Hi everybody! (2) |
Duff clock strikes three |
Edna - I need a man! |
Grandpa - I've coughed up scarier stuff than that |
Grandpa - I'm old - gimmee! |
Grandpa - In the port-a-jon |
Grandpa - I'm gonna punch your liver! |
Grandpa - That racoon stole my lambchop! |
Grandpa - That's my ambulance! |
Grandpa - The dog's dead (1) |
Grandpa - The dog's dead (2) |
Grandpa - The dog's dead (3) (236K) |
Grandpa - The lamp's running away |
Grandpa - The snow's melted! |
Grandpa - We're free! |
Grandpa - There are wolves after me |
Homer & Marge - Those were the days (531K) |
Homer & Mindy - Mmmm, foot long chili dog |
Homer & Mindy - Okay; okay |
Homer - What about the wiener? |
Homer - 32 d'ohs |
Homer - Ah! I mean, hallo! |
Homer - Ahh! Boogey man! |
Homer - Bart, kill that cat |
Homer - Look at that blubber fly |
Homer - Boy meets beast |
Homer - Chased by oinkers |
Homer - I think I have a collapsed lung |
Homer - Come on, you little horse! |
Homer - Could you repeat that? |
Homer - Craaaaaap! |
Homer - D'oh! (1) |
Homer - D'oh! (2) |
Homer - D'oh! Wrong one! |
Homer - I'll never do another stupid thing |
Homer - Everyone is stupid except me |
Homer - Everything looks bad if you remember it |
Homer - Exasperated d'oh |
Homer - Falling scream |
Homer - Flanders family is dead (326K) |
Homer - Flanders, help me! |
Homer - Sings the Flintstones theme song (305K) |
Homer - Thinks up fortune cookies |
Homer - Gets his arms sawed off |
Homer - Like going to sleep in a giant blender |
Homer - Giggles |
Homer - I'm going to stalk Lenny & Carl (235K) |
Homer - Fire a gorilla out of a cannon |
Homer - Ha ha, you love me! |
Homer - His name's like my name! |
Homer - Homer to Jebus! |
Homer - Horoscope accidents (216K) |
Homer - Horoscope boloney |
Homer - Oooh, my horoscope |
Homer - Long horse laugh |
Homer - How's my little piglet? |
Homer - I gave Herb all my money |
Homer - I hope it's Flanders |
Homer - I like being thanked |
Homer - I wanted the black one! |
Homer - I'll practice you! |
Homer - I'm alone! |
Homer - I'm no missionary |
Homer - Inner peace |
Homer - Is this cartoon live? |
Homer - It's a flower |
Homer - It's easier to blame Apu |
Homer - It's green, moron! |
Homer - Just smash it! |
Homer - Kinichiwa |
Homer - Lazy Saturdays (201K) |
Homer - Light this monkey |
Homer - Look sad and say d'oh |
Homer - Look, the Taco Bell dog! |
Homer - Loudest profanity |
Homer - Lousy dog! |
Homer - Lousy pants! |
Homer - From the I Love Lucy show (1) |
Homer - From the I Love Lucy show (2) |
Homer - From the I Love Lucy show (3) |
Homer - Marge, mail's here |
Homer - Marge, you the man! |
Homer - Me too |
Homer - Earl's a machine? Perfect! |
Homer - Meow, meow, meow, meow |
Homer - Mmmm, beer |
Homer - Mmmm, candy |
Homer - Mmmm, chicken |
Homer - Mmmm, chocolate (1) |
Homer - Mmmm, chocolate (2) |
Homer - Mmmm, crumbled up cookie things |
Homer - Mmmm, danish |
Homer - Mmmm, donuts (1) |
Homer - Mmmm, donuts (2) |
Homer - Mmmm, donuts (3) |
Homer - Mmmm, donuts (4) |
Homer - Mmmm, fattening |
Homer - Mmmm, forbidden donut |
Homer - Mmmm, grapefruit |
Homer - Mmmm, gummy beer |
Homer - Mmmm, hippo |
Homer - Mmmm, incapacitating |
Homer - Mmmm, invisible cola |
Homer - Mmmm, Marge |
Homer - Mmmm, pistol whip |
Homer - Mmmm, potato chips |
Homer - Mmmm, snouts |
Homer - Mmmm, something |
Homer - Mmmm, split pea |
Homer - Mmmm, sugar walls |
Homer - Mmmm, turbulent |
Homer - Mmmm, waffle run-off |
Homer - Mouth-watering monkies |
Homer - Buttock impression of Mr. Burns |
Homer - Must find man |
Homer - Ned, you so crazy |
Homer - Nighty night |
Homer - No time for the baby |
Homer - Only 20% loss of brain function |
Homer - Oopsy |
Homer - Oh, that's just perfect! |
Homer - Pet the cat? What's the point? |
Homer - Pffft, English |
Homer - Rappin' Mr. Plow |
Homer - Save me Jebus! |
Homer - Saxamaphone |
Homer - Scream, crash |
Homer - She's a hieffer! |
Homer - Shoots a basketball |
Homer - Shoots a buffalo |
Homer - There, there, shut up, boy |
Homer - Sings about Mindy |
Homer - Skiing, Ned's revealing ski suit |
Homer - Skiing, stupid sexy Flanders |
Homer - Skiing, worst pain ever |
Homer - Snack-related mishap |
Homer - Soft d'oh |
Homer - Stupid gravity! |
Homer - Take this job and... |
Homer - Takes Marge's pepper spray |
Homer - Talks about... I forget (234K) |
Homer - Talks to God |
Homer - There's something you don't see every day |
Homer - This is my floor |
Homer - Timid d'oh (1) |
Homer - Timid d'oh (2) |
Homer - Timid "okay" |
Homer - Trying to eat a potato chip |
Homer - Use your delicious brains |
Homer - We have orders not to fire |
Homer - We'll catch him! |
Homer - What's going on? (211K) |
Homer - What's the meaning of life? |
Homer - When you're 18, you're out the door |
Homer - Whistle |
Homer - Will you two shut up! |
Homer - Woohoo! (1) |
Homer - Woohoo! (2) |
Homer - Woohoo! (3) |
Homer - Words of advice from his father |
Homer - You can't insult this guy |
Homer - You're all nuts |
Homer - You're cut! (Homer reads the credits) (456K) |
Homer - You're lucky you've got looks, Marge |
Homer - You're making me mad! |
Homer - Your home smells like feces |
Kent Brockman - Hurricane Barbara |
Krusty - I thought they closed that place |
Krusty - Why do they call it a urine monkey? |
Krusty - The Stingy & Battery Show |
Lenny - Please don't tell anyone how I live |
Lisa - D'oh! |
Lisa - Dad, hide your shame |
Lisa - Dad, where are your clothes? |
Lisa - Anything here that doesn't have meat in it? |
Lisa - Paul Bunyan never fought Rodan |
Lisa - Noooo! |
Lisa - Rambles |
Lisa - Son of a dolphin! |
Little Boy - I sleep in a drawer |
Little girl - I'd like to get down now |
Lunch Lady Doris - There's very little meat |
Manjula - A chocolate husband! (235K) |
Manjula - You told me! |
Marge - Find her a man! |
Marge - Joins the police force (265K) |
Marge - Quits the police force |
Marge - What happened to Muntu? |
Marge - Who's Muntu? |
Martin - Pick me! I'm ever so smart! |
McBain - Up and atom! |
Moe - Hey everybody, I'm a stupid moron |
Moe - I'm so desperately lonely |
Moe - If you're gettin' loaded off those fumes |
Moe - The gal I'm stalking |
Moe - Undergoes a lie detector test (288K) |
Ned - And if you really tick me off (222K) |
Ned - At least I got a chunk of Moe's hair |
Ned - Did the rubble burn down? |
Ned - Hidely ho! |
Ned - Hot diggity |
Ned - Hey, Homey, I can see your doodle |
Ned - I'm Dick Tracy |
Ned - Indeedily doodily |
Ned - Kicking and screaming, please |
Ned - Lousy beatnicks |
Ned - No siree, Bob |
Ned - Okily dokily |
Ned - The auto dialer (1) (337K) |
Ned - The auto dialer (2) |
Ned - Tirade (01 toilet) |
Ned - Tirade (02 poster) |
Ned - Tirade (03 gritty floor) |
Ned - Tirade (04 Barney) |
Ned - Tirade (05 Ned loses it) |
Ned - Tirade (06 Bart) |
Ned - Tirade (07 Wiggum) |
Ned - Tirade (08 Lenny) |
Ned - Tirade (09 Moe) |
Ned - Tirade (10 Homer) |
Ned - We're done for! |
Nelson - Ha ha! |
Nelson - Sgt. Dork |
Paramedic - Sure is easy when they're stiff like this |
Ralph - I'm going to Bovine University |
Ralph - There's a dog in the vent |
Ralph - My face is on fire |
Ralph - I glued my head to my shoulder |
Ralph - I can't sleep without my scouring pad |
Ralph - I'm going to marry Lisa Simpson |
Ralph - Miss Hoover, the floor is shaking |
Ralph - My cat's name is Mittens |
Ralph - Nosebleeds |
Ralph - I don't have a red crayon; I ate it |
Ralph - My parents won't let me use scissors |
Ralph - The tar fumes are making me dizzy |
Ralph - I've got two owies |
Ralph - I bent my wookie |
Ralph - My worm went in my mouth |
Rex - You deceitful cow! |
Skinner - Boys brandishing their buttocks |
Skinner - Edna won't let me clap her erasers |
Skinner - Kiss me, Patty |
Soldier - I'd rather take an order from Bill Clinton |
The Simpsons - Theme song, end of show |
The Simpsons - Theme song, start of show |
Todd - Dad, the heathen's getting away |
Wiggum - No, this is 912 |
Wiggum - Can I arrest any of you people? |
Wiggum - Arrests Homer |
Wiggum - Looks like the work of roudy teens |
Wiggum - Hey, that duck's got my badge! |
Wiggum - We have an officer sneaking around |
Wiggum - Oh no, have they set a date? |
Wiggum - Rolls down the hill |
Wiggum - Could you shake out the last few drops for me? |
Willy - Bonjour |
Willy - Deeper! Wider! Faster! |
Willy - Greese me up, woman! |
Willy - I 'ate 'im; I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug |
Willy - I cannot water no more! |
Willy - I couldn't have shot Burns (224K) |
Willy - I'll cry now! |
Willy - I'll kill that Mr. Burns! |
Willy - The noozel, and the end of the hoos! |
Willy - That's the last time you'll slap you're Willy |
Willy - What in the name of saint who? |
Willy - Willy hears ya; Willy don't care |
Willy - Ya silk-wearin' buttercup |
Witch - Let me out! I couldn't be in more pain! |
Woman - He's bad, but he'll die, so I like it |